Cleveland OPCC has funded MFC Foundation Premier League Kicks since 2015.
The current grant arrangements are due to end in March 2025.
The PL Kicks programme is an initiative, which uses football and the brand of a professional football club to engage eight to 18-year-olds in deprived areas with high levels of youth antisocial behaviour and violence.
The programme offers open access and free of charge sessions with coaching in a range of sports. These include football. They are delivered alongside a range of workshops on targeted issues.
During 2024, the OPCC undertook a review of the current service. This was to provide options in relation to future funding arrangements.
The review concluded that MFC PL Kicks provision is high quality. It is valued by both users, who access the service, and also by a range of partnership organisations, who either refer into the service or benefit from the increased diversionary activities being delivered in areas where crime and antisocial behaviour are at high levels.
The review also concluded that MFC Foundation is the only local provider, who can deliver this service. that is due to the added value from the match funding from the Premier League and the brand of a professional football club
The review did note the lack of current provision for under-18s in the Stockton-on-Tees Local Authority area.
It recommended that any extension of OPCC funding should be dependent on the MFC Foundation expanding PL Kicks under-18 provision into Stockton.
The OPCC has agreed to extend grant arrangementsfor the delivery of MFC PL Kicks for four years to March 2029.
The extension of funding is dependent on the service expanding to cover Stockton Local Authority area for under-18s. Funding levels will be £24,000 per annum.
DRF 012.24: MFC Kicks Funding to March 2029 (application, 128kB)