The development of an effective and co-ordinated work programme aims to lay the foundations for targeted and timely work.
This work is on issues of local importance, where scrutiny can add value.
Each year, the OPCC examines data, information and feedback received from its various assurance processes, scrutiny approaches and public engagement activities. Following analysis, the PCC’s Scrutiny Work Programme is developed.
The Scrutiny Work Programme also takes into account the performance reports, findings and responses published by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).
The PCC has continuous oversight of the Scrutiny Work Programme and can actively influence, prioritise and determine the urgency/importance of topics.
The Scrutiny Work Programme is developed to fulfil the PCC’s commitment to scrutiny and holding Cleveland Police to account.
Further Information
- Scrutiny Handbook
*Please note, this programme may be subject to change