| | | | Steve Turner - Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner |
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| | | Half a million pound investment in violence reduction projects |
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| | 20 community projects aiming to prevent violent crime before it occurs receive a share in the £500,000 fund, launched earlier this year by the Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV). Read more on the successful initiatives now! | |
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| | | Agencies who work with children affected by sexual abuse have called on public services to strengthen their approach to supporting victims and their families following a £205K investment by the Home Office in September 2020. | |
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| | | Members of Liverton Parochial Church Council run free, youth sessions which helps to keep incidents of ASB in the area low. Now, £1,500 grant will help the council extend free, youth sessions to four nights per week. | |
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| | | Do you have an interest in reducing crime? The Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV) is looking for a community representative to sit on its Governance Group, alongside Steve Turner, the Chief Constable and other local leaders. Apply Now! | |
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| | | | Steve holds the funding for local policing and is responsible for allocating the police budget and for setting the amount of Council Tax which local residents pay towards the costs of policing. We are asking YOU, the Cleveland residents, as part of the budget setting process, your views in relation to the police budget in Cleveland. | |
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| | | An opportunity to talk to the OPCC team about policing and crime at events across Cleveland throughout November. | |
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| | PCC Surgery, November 18th |
| | Your chance to speak to Steve Turner about crime and community safety in your area at his next surgery in Billingham. | |
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| | Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland |
| 1 Cliffland Way, Hemlington, Middlesbrough, TS8 9GL |
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