FOI Request
Please could I request an up to date list of all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers that have or will be involved with the construction of the new police headquarters facility to replace the current Ladgate Lane headquarters.
FOI Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
I am providing recorded information on the list of contractors appointed for the construction of the new police headquarters. The contracts we have drawn up allows for subcontractors as long as they follow the guidelines set by the Commissioner such as coming from the local area and remunerate in line with the ‘living wage’, as an example. Any subcontractors and suppliers will be the responsibility of those appointed as contractors.
The contract to appoint a construction partner was awarded to Esh Construction, so they would be responsible for information on any subcontractors used by them.
The other contractor who we have a direct arrangement with is Arcadis who have responsibility for aspects of the contract such as project management.
The only other supplier who we are using directly (under the parameters of the outsourcing contract) is Sopra Steria, who are providing a series of technical ICT advisors to the project.
All of the above contracts were awarded following a rigorous process in line with procurement rules and regulations.
We also have the separate contract with Middlesbrough Council to buy the land at Hemlington Grange and carry out the access road works to the land.
Any other subcontractors who are used or appointed by any of the above, would not necessary be communicated to us.
Date responded: 8 August 2017