FOI Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
I would like to know the number of incidents recorded for workplace bullying lodged against the Police and Crime Commissioner.
I would also like the total number made in the office.
I would like these figures from the incumbent’s time in office to the most recent.
I would like this information provided electronically.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act.
FOI Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does not hold this information.
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland has a FOI complaints procedure.
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request a review by writing to:
Mr Stephen Hodgson
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
Police Headquarters
Ladgate Lane
Or you can follow the complaints procedure found on our website.
Date responded: 10 August 2017