FOI Request
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please can you provide me with:
-All submissions (including all evidence and supporting documents) sent to the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner for its consultation on drugs policy. The evidence was used in the formation of the ‘West Midlands Drug Policy Call for Evidence – Report’, published 12 December 2017.
-Any other reports produced or commissioned within the last 12 months concerning the policing of drug offences.
FOI Response
Regarding your request I can now inform you that I have completed my enquiries and that my reply on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is as follows.
The Office of the Police & Crime Commission for Cleveland has no recorded information on this subject.
Under s16 of the Act there is a duty placed upon me to assist you in trying to find the information you seek. To that end may I suggest you request such information from Cleveland Police who may have the information you seek, they can be found on their website.
Date responded: 26 April 2018