FOI Request
I’m after some information if you can help me please, I would like to know how many staff the Police Commissioner, Mr Barry Coppinger, has working alongside him, and are there full-time or part-time, how much they earn per year and their job descriptions please.
I would also like to know if these people live in Middlesbrough, or outside of Middlesbrough (not in their personal addresses).
FOI Response
Regarding your request I can now inform you that I have completed my enquiries and that my reply on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is as follows.
The Office of the Police & Crime Commission for Cleveland does have recorded information on this subject.
With reference to the part of your query referring to staff and the full time / part time element, I am refusing this under s21 of the Act, as this information is readily available elsewhere, namely on our website. This information can be found at the following:
With reference to salaries, the Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on data transparency, published in September 2011, says that local authorities in England should routinely publish the current salaries of all employees earning over £58,200.
I am also refusing this under s21 of the Act, for the same reason as above. The information is on our website at the above link.
For your query regarding whether employees live in Middlesbrough or not, and I accept you have not sought personal addresses. I think there is a natural expectation by staff not to disclose information such as this and similarly individual’s personal job descriptions. Therefore I am refusing this element of your request by using the exemption found at section 40 (2)(a) of the Act.
Section 40 of the Act provides an exemption from the right to know where the information requested is personal data protected by the Data Protection Act..
Date responded: 4 May 2018