Freedom of Information Request
- The total amount paid by Cleveland Police and / or Cleveland OPCC to Merseyside Police and / or Merseyside OPCC to use the ‘Matrix’ brand.
- An itemised breakdown of the above costs.
- The total cost of applying Matrix branding to police property – e.g. vehicles, stations, uniforms.
- An itemised breakdown of the above costs.
- All correspondence and documents held by the PCC which relate to Cleveland Police adopting the ‘Matrix’ brand.
- Whether the adoption of the ‘Matrix’ brand was a decision made by the Chief Constable or by the OPCC.
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Response
The information you seek in Questions 1 to 4 of your request is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, but by Cleveland Police. You will need to make a request to them directly for this information.
However, I am aware that the cost of the Matrix rebrand has been reported in the public domain by local media outlets.
This link refers:
The Chief Constable also confirmed in a public meeting to Cleveland Police and Crime Panel that no payment has been made to Merseyside Police for the use of the Matrix brand.
I will now provide answers from the OPCC to Questions 5 and 6 of your request.
5. All correspondence and documents held by the PCC which relate to Cleveland Police adopting the ‘Matrix’ brand.
Following searches of our email and documentation database, we do not hold any correspondence or documents regarding the ‘Matrix brand’.
6. Whether the adoption of the ‘Matrix’ brand was a decision made by the Chief Constable or by the OPCC.
The adoption of the Matrix brand was an operational decision made by the Chief Constable.