FOI Request
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I request the following to be provided.
- How many Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) are there in total within the Cleveland Police force area?
- A list of all relevant CSPs with their web addresses.
- How many Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) did each CSP conduct between 1 Jan 17 to 31 Dec 19?
- Are all DHRs available on each CSP website?
- If no to question 4 above, how can each DHR be accessed?
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does not hold this information.
S16 of the Freedom of Information Act requires me to assist you in finding the information you seek.
In regards to your first question, Cleveland has four Community Safety Partnerships which are delivered by the four local authorities in the area:
• Hartlepool Borough Council
• Stockton Borough Council
• Middlesbrough Council
• Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
I would suggest that you direct a request to each of these local authorities to find the information you seek.