Decision of PCC: Partly assured
Neighbourhood Policing
Date of Meeting: 11 June 2024
Decision of PCC: Partly Assured
In receiving information on neighbourhood policing, the PCC was looking to:
- Gain knowledge of the local approach to neighbourhood policing and an awareness of current issues, risks and challenges;
- Seek assurance; and
- Formulate the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan, specifically those priorities focussing on community policing.
Engaging communities
- How does the Force engage with the public and other agencies on establishing public priorities to reduce crime and the fear of crime and improve public confidence?
- How does the Force ensure that policing activities within neighbourhoods are targeted according to the needs of different communities, taking into account threat, risk and vulnerability?
Resourcing and Deployment
- Has a review been undertaken of the Force’s neighbourhood policing resourcing and deployment model? What were the main findings of the review and what action is required?
Challenges and Risks
- What are the current risks and challenges associated with neighbourhood policing and how is the Force responding to these?
- What impact is deployment having on planned neighbourhood policing activity and how are abstractions being monitored and assessed to ensure they are minimised and managed?
Training and Development
- What training and support is provided to improve the knowledge and skills of officers, staff and volunteers in neighbourhood policing and how is this evaluated?
- What work is undertaken to recognise, reward and promote good problem-solving activities?
Meeting Outcome:
Concerns remain regarding the proportion of time Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) spend responding to emergency calls and servicing other reactive demands, particularly for those NPTs that are located at distance from Response Units.
Further information is required in respect of abstractions and the shift pattern review/consultation.
Further Information:
A summary of the evidence considered at this meeting and the actions agreed, to enable the PCC to maintain a “watching brief” on primary areas of focus, can be accessed below:
Scrutiny Meeting. 11 June 2024. Neighbourhood Policing (application, 154kB)