The vision for Cleveland Police is to be an outstanding and value led organisation in which staff have pride and our communities have confidence.
To deliver this vision, the Force has launched the Transforming Cleveland Police change programme with the principle of making the best use of mobile and digital technology. This will facilitate agile working.
The Force and OPCC have agreed a new Digital Policing Strategy with the objective of investing in officers and staff.
The strategy aims to ensure that staff the right resources and technology, with a commitment to increase mobile technology and efficiency by enabling users to access information quickly, whenever and wherever they need it.
In order to support the Strategy, a mobile policing application is required to work on smart phones and enable Officers and staff to enter data into key force information systems.
Initial short-listing of a supplier was completed. Bidders were invited to submit a response to the specific requirements of the organisation. Evaluation criterion was based 30% on price, 50% on quality and 20% on product demonstration.
The evaluation team chose Bidder 5, whichscored high on specification and was the cheapest solution.