The Emergency Boarding and Glazing contract provides boarding and glazing services to properties which are insecure as a result of a crime.
This service also includes when a warrant has been issued and a door/window has been put through as a way of gaining access to a property.
An open tender has been carried out as per the Public Procurement Regulations 2015. An open tender is a competitive exercise whereby a tender is advertised and all bidders expressing an interest can access the tender documentation and submit a bid.
The successful bidder will be due to commence work on behalf of named forces within the Tender from the 1st July 2017 and will be at an average cost of £120,150 per annum as outlined within the appendix.
The appendix to this decision record form contains full details of the procurement process and outcome.
Decision 36336. Boarding and Glazing contract (application, 492kB)