In June 2021 the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced that £1.4m was being made available from the Male Rape Support Services Fund
Funding was to increase the availability and capacity of sexual violence support services to meet the specific needs of men and boys.
In addition, it was to respond to demands arising as a result of the pandemic. This funding is non-recurrent and for 2021-2022 only.
Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) had to work with local specialist services to submit funding applications.
They set out the proposed project to be delivered from August 2021 to March 2022.
Cleveland OPCC’s bid was successful and was awarded £32,227.
Money will be grant funded to Barnardos Tees Valley. It will deliver activities to support the identification and diversion of young men and boys from harmful sexual behaviour.
Barnardos will also support young men and boys to address their own experiences of sexual behaviour.
Decision 2021-000124: Male Rape Support Services Funding 2021-2022 (application, 111kB)