Under Code C of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, the organisation has a duty to provide
clinical treatment and attention to ensure detainee safety.
In 2007 a £35m contract over 10 years was entered into with Reliance (now Tascor) to deliver Custody and Medical Services; delivering non cashable savings of £2,074,000.
During the contract Term the current provider made a decision to cease direct delivery of medical services
This was because it was no longer part of their core business. As a result, the medical services contract was sub-contracted to Care and Custody (Health).
In June 2017 when the contract term ended, it was considered appropriate due to changes in the market for the Custody Support Contract and Medical Services should be tendered separately.
Following a Competitive Tender Exercise a contract was awarded to Mitie Care and Custody for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for 2 years. The current contract will reach the end of its maximum 5 year term at the end of June 2022.
A decision was approved in March 2022 (DRF 2022-0007832 refers) following the procurement exercise to award a replacement contract for the Custody Healthcare Service. However, the PCC received a challenge.
Following advice from outside counsel a decision was taken to re-evaluate the bids.
Details of the Procurement Process are included in the appended report.
Procurement report for the Commissioning of a Custody Healthcare Service (application, 363kB)