The PCC for Cleveland has previously commissioned an organisation to deliver Appropriate Adult Services via grant agreements
Decision Record Forms (DRFs) 2020-00199038, 2021-00269310, 2022-007626 and 2022-008 respectively give the background to the decisions.
Appropriate Adults provide support at custody suites across Cleveland. They safeguard the interests, rights, entitlements and welfare of vulnerable people, who are suspected of a criminal offence.
Appropriate Adults ensure detainees are treated in a fair and just manner and are able to participate effectively.
As the grant agreement comes to an end a decision was made to formalise the arrangement through a formal contract.
The OPCC place an advertisement in Contracts Finder and the Bluelight E-tendering system, inviting suppliers to bid for the service.
An open tender was carried out using EU Supply as the tender portal, advertising the contract in Contract Finder as per the Public Procurement Regulations 2015.
The OPCC received one bid hich met the quality requirements. However, the bid was outside of the budget allocated. Following discussions, the bidder advised they were unable to deliver the service within the restricted budget.
A decision was made to re-tender the service and the budget was increased slightly.
A further advert was placed in Contracts Finder and Find my tender inviting suppliers to bid for the service. An open tender was carried out using EU Supply as the tender portal, advertising the contract in Contract Finder as per the Public Procurement Regulations 2015.
Details of the Procurement Process are included in the attached report.