The Government has decided to extend hotspot patrols to all Force areas in England and Wales.
This follows a successful pilot of ASB (antisocial behaviour) hotspot patrols in 10 areas in England and Wales.
Cleveland was part of the successful pilot, which ran from March 2023 – April 2024.
The funding for April 2024 to March 2025 will incorporate funding for both ASB and serious violence hotspots.
Funding allocation
Cleveland has been allocated up to £1,420,423 from the Home Office, to deliver hotspot response patrols in locations identified as high for ASB or serious violence.
Although the funding for ASB and serious violence hotspot has been amalgamated, they will continue to run as separate projects,. They have different operating models and maturity levels.
Opportunities for collaboration in areas high in both ASB and serious violence will be considered where appropriate.
The hotspot locations for both ASB and serious violence will be refreshed as part of a data analysis review, for July 2024.
ASB Hotspots
The Cleveland model for ASB hotspots will continue to use local authority enforcement staff to undertake the hotspot patrols in areas of high ASB.
All districts have recruited additional Community Wardens, on fixed term contracts, to deliver patrols in the ASB hotspot locations.
This will continue through April 2024 — March 2025 with existing grant agreements being varied to reflect the extension of the funding period to March 2025.
Serious violence hotspots will be patrolled by Police Officers with support from PCSO (Police Community Support Officers.) This is part of the plan to transition serious violence hotspot patrols into business as usual. The PCSO patrols will be funded by Cleveland Police.
Metrics will be captured in relation to numbers of patrols; number of ASB incidents in hotspots and enforcement activity which is being reported back to the Home Office.
In addition, the Home Office will be conducting community surveys in a dip sample of areas to understand community impact.
Analysis of ASB incidents and crime will be undertaken in all of the hotspot areas.