There is a need to house a number of teams and services elsewhere across the police Estate.
This is due to the impending sale of Ladgate Lane HQ and the re-designed Community Safety Hub to match affordable criteria
There is insufficient suitable accommodation within the current Police estate to support all of the current functions. The biggest challenge is sourcing a location for training.
Cleveland Fire Brigade is to vacate its current training facility, Learning Development Centre (LDC) in Grangetown in July 2017. At this point, the brigade will relocate to its new Headquarters in Hartlepool.
The brigade has offered the use of the LDC premises to Cleveland Police on a rent- free basis.
This is on the understanding that the brigade will continue to own the building. However, Cleveland Police taking over responsibility for management and maintenance.
This proposal is for a 40-year licence to occupy agreement for the LDC to be signed between both Cleveland Fire Brigade and Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.
Cleveland Police has the opportunity to consolidate its three training centres into a single location/. This gives flexibility and the ability to support the current and future demands of Cleveland Police.
Capital bid
A capital bid approval was sought and funds were secured to ensure the LDC is brought up to date and safe to inhabit.
The contract term is for five months.
An open tender was carried out using EU supply as the tender portal, advertising the contract in Contract Finder and OJEU as per Public Procurement Regulations 2015. Five organisations submitted a response by the closing date of 12 noon on 12th May 2017. The
evaluation team evaluated the five bids in line with the evaluation criteria.
Following evaluation, it became evident that Bidder 2’s quality of response, ability to deliver the contract and cost effective plan was the best value for money.
The bidder showed flexibility to working within a functioning training facility and any delay in the programme of works due to the outcome of an Asbestos Survey and its subsequent removal.
Subject to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s final approval, the new contract will take effect from 12 June 2017.
Decision 36922. Development Centre refurbishment (application, 139kB)