This request is to use part of allocated funding to buy a number of covert cameras and alarm equipment to tackle metal theft.
A demonstration has been provided by Vipa of off-the-shelf equipment.
A selection of motion-activated covert cameras and alarms are available, which can be used indoor or outdoors.
Alarms are activated by breaking a “snap wire loop.” The loop can be wrapped around vulnerable property. When the wire is broken, a signal is sent to a mobile ‘phone to alert staff.
Equipment can be used to protect property in houses, for example to protect boilers, or in larger, industrial compounds and buildings.
It can be deployed in tandem with capture footage of suspects or of alert monitoring staff of the activation.
The head of TSU has been consulted and agrees that the equipment is suitable for the proposed use.
The equipment will be held centrally and available to INT staff to deploy to tackle emerging trends.
The PCC is asked to agree to spend £9K to buy the equipment, detailed above.
Decision 22 – 2014. Purchase of equipment to tackle metal theft (application, 86kB)