Decision reference 99-2015 and 58-2016 relates to the extension of funding with the Halo Project.
This is in support of victims of Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation.
These Decision Record Forms detailed the planned process for the commissioning of the service going forward.
In order to cater for the complexity of the commission, including the hidden nature of these types of crimes, the agreed process was delayed.
This meant that funding arrangements with Halo came to an end on 30 September 2016 following which a separate project catered for some aspects of provision in this important area.
In order to ensure victims of such crimes across Cleveland are effectively protected and supported, the PCC has agreed to provide additional funding in the short term.
In addition to this the PCC has agreed to fund a Halo Hope Programme (6 week training programme for women affected by HBV/FM and FGM) with the aim of addressing the following:
- Raising awareness of domestic abuse within the BME communities.
- Educate and have a clear understanding of FM, FGM and HBV.
- To help women realise they are neither alone nor to blame; and that there is help available.
- To illustrate the range of effects that domestic abuse has on children.
- To assist women to recognise behaviours of different types of abuser.
The fee terms for this short term grant are consistent with those agreed during the previous periods of funded service provision. A specification for the future service has now been developed in consultation with relevant partners. The service will be advertised openly and procured via the Bluelight Procurement Portal in early course. It is envisaged that no additional granting arrangements will be required in the future, once this structured commissioning process is complete. Decision 2016-26874: Halo Project – Additional Funding
Decision 26874. Halo Project additional funding (application, 116kB)