In September 2014, Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner hosted a regional awareness raising event.
This was on Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery.
The event was held as part of the North East Violence against Women and Girls Strategy and focussed on Human Trafficking from a local, national and international perspective.
It became apparent from delegates that there was a lack of understanding around Human Trafficking and the role of first responders.
Between May and December 2015, nine Human Trafficking Training Sessions were delivered by Hope for Justice .
More than 400 attendees from a wide range of settings including Police, Local Authorities, CPS, Probation and Housing Associations etc went to the sessions.
To ensure that the right people have the opportunity to attend a training session, it has been agreed to host two final sessions.
They will specifically target professionals, who may come into contact with victims. These sessions will be held on:
- 2 May 2016
- 12 May 2016
The aims of the sessions include :
- Explaining what Human Trafficking is and the different types that exist
- Recognising the signs/indicators of the different types of trafficking
- Understanding relevant legislation
- Know how to respond appropriately to a victim in a case of Human Trafficking should they come across one
Decision 62. Human trafficking training sessions (application, 208kB)