As part of the Government’s response to the Alcohol Strategy Consultation in July 2013.
The Home Office set out a commitment to launch a number of ‘Local Alcohol Action Areas’ (LAAA) with 3 key aims:
- To reduce alcohol related crime and disorder
- To reduce alcohol related health harms: and
- Underpinning both of these aims was to work to promote growth by establishing diverse and vibrant night time economies
Local Authorities were invited to apply and Middlesbrough was selected as one of the 20 successful areas.
No funding came with this opportunity. However, for one year, each LAAA was provided with a dedicated support manager from the Home Office.
The support manager was responsible for providing advice and support and liaising with other LAAA projects. He also linked back to the Home Office and other Government departments.
There is clear commitment across the DsPH, Cleveland Police and other key partners to look at the wider delivery of some elements of the LAAA work.
Based on Middlesbrough LAAA costings, the annual cost of the proposed extended service across Cleveland (basic salary costs of employing 1.5 FTE’s and associated management costs ) would be approximately £71,000. Middlesbrough would continue to fund the LAAA coordinator as this contract is already in place until June 2016.
It is proposed for this to be for a two-year period, with an option to extend beyond, subject to progress and review.
Decision 38. Extension to Cleveland-wide Local Alcohol Action Area (application, 198kB)