Current grant arrangements in regards to Restorative Justice came to an end on 31 March 2017.
From the delivery of this service it is apparent that the processes in place are not working sufficiently and the service is lacking in referrals.
Therefore during February / March 2017 a review was completed to inform the future of Restorative Justice across the Cleveland area.
Recommendations for approval are:
- Clarity to be sought from the Ministry of Justice in regards to the use of victims funding for both victim and offender initiated Restorative Justice
- Further develop the use of Restorative Justice at the pre and post sentencing stage of the Criminal Justice Process
- The OPCC along with the Restorative Justice workers develop a Restorative Justice Outcomes framework for the future monitoring of impact and outcomes following a Restorative Justice Intervention.
- During 2017/18 a service specification be developed to commission a service with anticipated ‘go live’ date of 1 April 2018.
- As an interim measure up until 31 March 2018, two secondment opportunities are advertised to support the facilitation and development of Restorative Justice across the Cleveland area.
- The Restorative Justice post hosted by Safe in Tees Valley and based within the Integrated Offender Management Unit be extended for a further 12 months and be seconded to the OPCC to enable closer working with the RJ coordinator – working towards the same aims and objectives.
These recommendations are presented for the Commissioners formal approval and for onward progression by the OPCC.
Decision 30497. Restorative Justice Review (application, 572kB)