As Police & Crime Commissioner, I am deeply concerned at the findings of the Employment Tribunal, set out in its judgment in the case of Saddique v The Chief Constable.
It is my responsibility, as the elected individual with the responsibility for the totality of policing in Cleveland, to set clear expectations for Cleveland Police. These arise from the issues highlighted in the judgment.
In doing so, I recognise the achievements made by both Chief Constable Jacqui Cheer and Deputy Chief Constable Iain Spittal
In particular, I recognise their work to ensure tolerance and fairness within Cleveland Police. This is underpinned by the national police Code of Ethics.
In addition, I recognise that the organisation has made huge progress under their leadership in this regard.
The effect of the matters I have set out and the courses of action agreed with the Chief Constable are as follows
1. Appeal:
- The Chief Constable has determined that Cleveland Police will not appeal against the findings of the Employment Tribunal. PC Saddique and all personnel involved will be informed in a timely way.
2. Other Legal Issues:
- I receive a briefing on the detail of all outstanding litigation involving the Force, which features allegations of discrimination; and
- The force should consider appropriate forms of alternative dispute resolution (such as mediation.) Where appropriate, these methods should be used to bring about timely and lasting solutions to disputes.
3. Conduct and Discipline:
- The Chief Constable (as appropriate authority) will ensure appropriate decisions are reached about whether there are police conduct matters to be addressed, arising from the judgment. If so, such matters should be dealt with fairly. In addition, they should be dealt with in line with proper procedure and as quickly as possible .
- The Chief Constable and I recognise – and would wish to emphasise – that there is no suggestion arising from the judgment or more widely that operational policing to the public is delivered in a way which is affected by unlawful discrimination.
4. Professional Standards:
- That the time is right for the PCC and Chief Constable to work together to make changes to public complaints handing and professional standards activity overall.
- That once that new way of working is defined, we work together to appoint to the lead role within Professional Standards.
5. Organisational Development:
- That the suite of measures focussed on policy and procedure improvement, arising from the Equality Review, be completed as swiftly as possible; and
- The Chief Constable brings forward, for my consideration, a proposal for a broad programme of organisational development. This programme should strengthen and embed appropriate behaviours across the organisation. It should also demonstrate the value of difference and prevent individuals feeling isolated or unsupported within the organisation. By doing so, the Chief Constable and I recognise that improvement within the organisation can only improve the delivery of policing services to our communities.
- In line with my Police & Crime Plan, I am prepared to invest in programme delivery. It will value all serving and aspiring police officers, police staff and volunteers. It will also be in the interests of embedding good community and industrial relations.
6. Communications:
- The Chief Constable and I both recognise the need to respond to the issues highlighted by the Tribunal. The reponse needs to be sensitive to the best interests of PC Saddique. In addition, it should be open and transparent to the public.
- I have agreed with the Chief Constable that Cleveland should adopt an appropriate transparency strategy urgently. This is in order to achieve these aims.
- With that in mind, I am taking the step now of setting out the strategic direction I have set and the measures agreed with the Chief Constable, in this Decision Record.
- That all appropriate measures should continue to be in place to ensure that PC Saddique has access to the support he requires in order to resume his career within Cleveland Police.
- That I would write to PC Saddique setting out my apology to him on behalf of the organisation and my intended course of action arising from the case – and offering him the opportunity to meet with me together with the Chief Constable.
- That access to welfare support be available to all personnel affected by the issues in the judgment.