This is continued project funding to build on a national Home Office initiative to establish Safer Future Community Networks in each PCC authority area.
The Networks are a vehicle for voluntary and community sector (VCS) engagement with the PCC. They have been funded for the past two years.
The project aims to:
- Develop understanding and communications between the VCS and OPCC.
- Identify voluntary and community organisations that deliver services in support of the PCCs priorities and have valuable links into communities of interest, identity and place
- Enable the VCS to support and contribute to planning about strategic priorities, resource allocation and service delivery in the area of crime reduction and community safety.
- Support the development of ideas and services that contribute to crime reduction and community safety in Cleveland
- Support VCOs and public sector bodies to attract new resources to Cleveland.
Decision 40-2015. Continued funding for Safer Future Communities Network (application, 162kB)