FOI Request
I would like to request the following breakdown of the Colleges Data Centre IT hardware maintenance contracts/warranties and their associated costs.
A list of the models of all physical servers, storage devices, tape libraries and network switches under support contracts or warranty
The cost and duration of said contracts, with start and end dates and service level associated with the equipment.
Could you also supply the names of the suppliers of the aforementioned support services for each contract?
I would also request the name and full contact details of the person/s in your organisation responsible for the maintenance support contracts.
Should you note record this information or it be too time consuming, I would be willing to accept the information from the first bullet point.
FOI Response
You state in your request that you wanted the ‘Colleges Data Centre’. I am taking this as a typographical error and have accepted the request as for the OPCC for Cleveland.
On that basis and regarding your request I can now inform you that I have completed my enquiries and that my reply on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is as follows.
The Office of the Police & Crime Commission for Cleveland has no recorded information on this subject.
s16 of the Act requires me to try and assist you in seeking the information you request, to that end the information you seek may be held by Cleveland Police on their website.
Date responded: 23 May 2018