Apply for PCC funding
Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner has various types of community funding available at points throughout the year. They are the following:
- PCC Community Safety Fund (CSF)
- Police Property Act Fund (PPAF)
PCC Community Safety Fund
The PCC receives cash from the Government to give to organisations and groups who are committed to improving community safety.
Rules governing the fund are set out in Section 143 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
The fund is open at certain times of year. It is themed around the 10 key criteria of the Police and Crime Plan.
Police Property Act Fund
Police Property Act funding comes from the sale of recovered stolen goods or property where the owners cannot be traced. In accordance with the Police Property act Regulations (1997) all awards from this fund must be for charitable purposes.
Applications are considered throughout the year from charities, who are working to improve the lives of people in Cleveland. You must be a registered charity or charitable foundation to apply.
How to apply
The Community Safety Fund and Police Property Act Fund’s three-step application process is as follows:
- Download and complete the Application Form. Read the Guidance Notes to help you. When completed, please email to [email protected]
- The next scheduled funding meeting will decide if your application has been successful. In addition, the meeting will decide the most appropriate type of funding for your project. It will also decide if the application meets the PCC’s key objectives.
- You will be updated about the outcome. If you have been successful, we will confirm how much funding you will receive based on your original application request. In addition, we will provide you with all of the resources needed to tell people about the PCC grant. This includes logos for your website and official documents
Progress and Budget Reporting

If you have received PCC funding, you must give us a Progress Report to tell us how you have used funding.
You must also update us as to how spend is progressing midway through the funding period by completing the Budget Return Form.
Any funding received which remains unspent at the end of the funding period must be returned to the PCC to enable re-allocation under these funding streams.
If you need help to complete your application, please contact us at [email protected]
Other funding opportunities
As well as opportunities directly funded by the OPCC, you may also be eligible to apply for wider funding via UK database GrantFinder.
BlueLight GrantFinder March 2024 (application, 239kB)
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