FOI Request
I would like to request some data in accordance with the Freedom Of Information Act. Please could you provide:
- The job title for every post in your office. Please include any joint posts. If you have appointed a Deputy Commissioner, please include that.
- The salary, or if that is unavailable, the pay band, for each of the offices in 1.
FOI Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
In strict accordance with the Act I am refusing question 1 of your request, because it relates to information already published – in respect of which any member of the public can access the relevant section of the PCC’s website at:
My response to question 2 of your request is as follows:
As part of our statutory obligations under The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011, we publish the name, salary and job description of senior members of the OPCC who exceed the £58,200 threshold set out in the Order.
This information can be found under the link provided above and includes the Chief Executive, the Chief Finance Officer and the Assistant Chief Executive.
Employees who fall under the £58,200 threshold set out in the Act are protected under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act, as salary is considered to be personal data.
As a result, I will not be providing the salary for the individual roles within the OPCC, but will be providing the pay bands.
Community Hub Advisor
Scale 3 – 4 (£18,486 – £22,275)
Community Hub Administrator
Scale 2 (£17,262 – £18,078)
Commissioner’s Officer for Consultation and Engagement (part-time)
PO 2 – 3 (£31,995 – £35,481)
Commissioner’s Officer for Victim Services
PO 2 – 3 (£31,995 – £35,481)
Commissioner’s Officer for Crime, Offending and Justice
PO 2 – 3 (£31,995 – £35,481)
Support Officer for PCC Services and Communications
Scale 4 (£20,115 – £22,275)
Senior Complaints Service Adviser
SO1 (£28,353 – £30,195)
Complaints Service Adviser
Scale 5 – 6 (£22,668 – £27,339)
Standards and Scrutiny Manager
PO 4 – 8 (£34,614 – £41,745)
Strategic Contracts and Governance Manager
PO17 (£47,826 – £51,048)
Commissioned Services Support Officer
Scale 4 (£20,115 – £22,275)
Crime, Offending and Justice
Cleveland OPCC also funds two joint posts with the Office of the Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner for Durham to work across both offices to implement the Local Criminal Justice Plan to improve the outcome of criminal justice processes for victims and offenders.
These roles are banded as follows (please note the pay scales below are those of Durham OPCVC and differ slightly to Cleveland):
Criminal Justice Programme Lead
Principal 1 (£35,451 – £38,538)
Criminal Justice Performance Analyst
Scale 6 (£24,813 – £27,519)
A fixed-term role has been developed to develop and expand use of the E-CINS – a high-tech computer system, funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, to act as a central hub for information, bringing reports of a range of issues together in one place.
The below role is funded by a range of partners involved in the scheme:
E-CINS Project Manager (fixed-term)
PO 4 – 8 (£34,614 – £41,745)
Violence Prevention
In November 2018, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner secured a grant of £546,000 from the Home Office’s Early Intervention Youth Fund, to commission projects designed to divert young people away from becoming involved in serious violence.
A fixed-term post was created to lead on this work on behalf of the OPCC and is funded by the Home Office grant:
Tees Violence Prevention Co-Ordinator (fixed-term)
PO 4 – 8 (£34,614 – £41,745)
Date responded: 15 May 2019