Freedom of Information Request
- How many new permanent hires joined your organisation in 2022?
- How many new permanent hires came through external providers in 2022?
- How many team members work in your Recruitment Team?
- What is your time to hire from adverting to onboarding?
- What was your attrition rate in 2022?
- What is your average cost per hire (including attraction and screening) in 2022?
- How much did you spend with external providers of permanent recruitment in 2022?
- How many unique agency contractors/temps/interims did you use in 2022?
- How much did you spend on agency contractors/temps/interims in 2022?
- Are you meeting your diversity targets? (yes or no)
- How many candidates applied for roles in 2022? What is your candidate drop-out rate?
- Which systems do you use for your permanent recruitment process?
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Response
- Eight
- All applicants are required to submit their applications via the recruitment instructions on the advert – this could be through Cleveland Police recruitment portal or direct to the OPCC jobs inbox.
- The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioned utilise the recruitment services within Cleveland Police, as a result we do not hold information on the number of staff within the recruitment team. This information would need to be requested directly from Cleveland Police.
- Approx 16 weeks (this depends on level of vetting required of the post, individual notice periods and delays experienced at pre-employment checks stage (which are conducted by Cleveland Police on our behalf).
- The OPCC expanded during 2022 as a result of additional responsibilities within the team. As a result it is difficult to determine attrition rate. We can confirm however that 3 members of the team left during 2022 and these vacancies were filled.
- Approx £1,000 – please note this includes OPCC staff time to lead on recruitment including preparation and planning, shortlisting, interviews and feedback.
- Nil
- One
- £6,666.66
- The OPCC team demographics can be found via the link below:
The OPCC team – Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner - 61 applications were received across the 8 posts advertised during 2022. Following the shortlisting process we had one candidate drop out – however this was as a result of being successful in another role within the OPCC team.
- As per question 2.