Freedom of Information Request
I would like to know the following information:
- How much does the taxpayer provide toward gun licences (by % and £)
- How many FTE police officers were in post as of 30/11/2019
- How many part time police officers were in post as of 20/11/2019
- How many FTE officers were in post as of 29/02/2024
- How many part time officers were in post as of 29/02/2024
- How many gun licences in total are held in the Stockton area broken down by type i.e. hand gun etc.
- Since the opening of the new Stockton police base how many incidents (broken down by type) have been attended by officers specifically from this base.
- How much has the PCC claimed in expenses (broken down by year and by post/type).
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Response
The information you seek in Questions 1 to 7 is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, but by Cleveland Police. You will need to make a request to them directly for this information.
I can assist with Question 8 of your request. We are required by law to publish the Police and Crime Commissioner’s expenses and expenditure on our website.
To assist you, I have provided links to both of these webpages below: