FOI Request
Please tell me what percentage of your annual budget is spent on staff pensions.
Further clarification provided:
I would like to know how much of your budget you pay to people who have retired both as an amount and as a percentage of your budget. I would also like to know how much of your budget is paid into a pension scheme as a contribution for staff pensions in the future.
FOI Response
Amount of OPCC budget paid to those who have retired
There are no costs paid from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to staff who have retired. All payments are made from the Local Government Pension Scheme.
Amount of OPCC budget paid into pension schemes as a contribution to future pensions
The budget for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for the 2020/21 financial year is £900k. Of this budget, a £94k contribution will be made to pension schemes. This equates to a percentage of 10.4%.
Date responded: 3 June 2020