FOI Request
Hi, I am currently researching victim support agencies for work at university. I am aware victim services are the responsibility of PCC’s and was wondering if I could have a list of the services Cleveland police use to refer victims too and what the annual spending is. Many thanks Kelle Reynolds.
Clarification was sought by the OPCC and the interpretations of the requests below were confirmed as correct by the requester:
Request 1
· List of each victim support service funded by the PCC and how much they are funded. Please can you specify what time period you would like funding information for (e.g current financial year (2020-21) or last financial year (2019-20) or multiple years).
Request 2
· I believe you may be referring to the Whole System Approach to Domestic Abuse programme – led by Northumbria OPCC. If so, are you requesting information about what this scheme achieved and if it is continuing?
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
Request 1
Please see attached to the email accompanying this letter two spreadsheet documents:
Attachment 1 – OPCC Victim Spending 2019/20 and 2020/21 (application, 14kB)
This spreadsheet includes all victim spending by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for 19/20 and 20/21 (you can access the different years using the tabs at the bottom). For your ease, information has also been provided about the service providers, what service they deliver and which budget the funding comes from.
Attachment 2 – 2020 Covid Extraordinary Funding (application, 12kB)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government made additional money available for services supporting victims of domestic and sexual violence. After completing a thorough needs assessment, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner successfully secured over £350,000 for services in Cleveland. This spreadsheet contains information about these funding allocations.
Request 2
In regards to what the Whole System Approach to Domestic Abuse programme has achieved, Cordis Bright have been conducting evaluation and analysis of the project. Their evaluation documents can be found at the below link:
Cordis Bright – Whole System Approach Evaluation documents
Based on the outcomes set out in the evaluation documents, Cleveland Police have embedded all part of the Whole System Approach Project, other than the family court liaison workers. This part of the project was not embedded due to wider changes required within the family court setting, as announced by the Government on 25 June 2020, and of which the OPCC support.