FOI Request
Steve Turner the Conservative candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner has raised some concerns about Ian Cross. To get things right I am quoting from an article.
Last month, Mr Coppinger had been accused of using taxpayer funded staff member Ian Cross, a media advisor, to “investigate” Steve Turner, Tory candidate for the PCC role in May.
Mr Turner claimed public resources had been used for political gain, and pointed to text messages between the pair uncovered using data protection laws.
Are those issues been investigated and if by whom?
Is Mr Cross still perorming his full duties for the PCC or has he been put on restrictive duties?
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
Are those issues been investigated and if by whom?
The particular extracts highlighted by Mr Turner were considered by Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer Simon Dennis, who took the following action:
(a) Sought a confirmatory explanation from the member of staff concerned, of the context of the advice provided; and
(b) Ensured that the member of staff was aware of the obligation of political neutrality to which all members of PCC staff are subject – the Monitoring Officer was satisfied that this was the case.
Is Mr Cross still performing his full duties for the PCC or has he been put on restrictive duties?
Mr Cross continues to provide a call-off media service to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, as per existing contractual arrangements.