FOI Request
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, and only in regard to all dates between 1 May 2020 to 1 October 2020 inclusively, for police complaints received by your Force’s Professional Standards Department (that must be formally recorded under Schedule 3, Police Reform Act 2002), of those received complaints, specifically;
1. How many complaints were received in total (within the period specified)?
2. What was the shortest length of time (in days) for a complaint to be recorded?
3. What was the average length of time (in days) for a complaint to be recorded?
4. How many complaints, that were received on 1 May 2020, are still awaiting to be recorded?
5. How many complaints were received on 1 September 2020?
6. How many complaints, that were received on 1 September 2020, are still awaiting to be recorded?
Clarification was then provided, as detailed below:
A number of Force’s have requested clarification, therefore the FOI request is resubmitted as follows:
(Clarified) FOI Request:
Of all police complaints made, between 1 May 2020 and 1 October 2020 inclusively, which were received by your Force’s Professional Standards Department and the complaints were of a type that must be formally recorded under Schedule 3, Police Reform Act 2002 and or where the complainants had requested their complaint to be formally recorded, of these received complaints, specifically;
1. How many complaints were received in total (within the period specified)?
2. What was the shortest length of time (in days) for a complaint to be recorded?
3. What was the average length of time (in days) for a complaint to be recorded?
4. How many complaints, that were received on 1 May 2020, are still awaiting to be recorded?
5. How many complaints were received on 1 September 2020?
6. How many complaints, that were received on 1 September 2020, are still awaiting to be recorded?
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner does not hold this information.
Section 16 of the Act states that I should assist you in finding the information you seek. The information you seek may be held by Cleveland Police, who I understand have also received your request.