FOI Request
Can you advise how many staff the incumbent P.C.C has to efficiently run the PCC office.
Can you advise how many Police are used in the PCC office?
Can you advise if the PCC office conducts its own FOI requests.
Can you advise if the Police conduct the PCC FOI requests.
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
Can you advise how many staff the incumbent P.C.C has to efficiently run the PCC office.
There are currently 30 individuals directly employed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland, which equates to 26.22 Full-Time Equivalent (FTEs).
This includes one member of staff (1 FTE) who is currently on a fully-funded secondment to another OPCC, plus a number of other joint corporate or partnership-funded roles.
Information about these posts can be found on our website here:
Can you advise how many Police are used in the PCC office?
There are no Cleveland Police employees working within the OPCC.
Can you advise if the PCC office conducts its own FOI requests.
Yes, as a public authority, the OPCC is expected to answer FOI requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Can you advise if the Police conduct the PCC FOI requests.
No, we are two separate organisations.