FOI Request
I would be grateful if you could provide the following data under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
- Whether there is a scrutiny panel in existence in your area, and whether this is active
And if there is an active scrutiny panel in your area:
- Who attends the panel on a regular basis
- What the outcomes of the panel are, and how they are shared with the police and public.
OPCC Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold this information.
‘Whether there is a scrutiny panel in existence in your area, and whether this is active’
The Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel in Cleveland and Durham is a joint panel across both force areas. The panel is active and meets on a quarterly basis
‘Who attends the panel on a regular basis’
• Representatives from the following organisations attend the panel on a regular basis:
• Magistrates Courts (both Teesside and Durham – the group is now chaired by Durham Magistrates)
• Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland
• Office of the Police, Crime and Victims Commissioner for Durham
• Cleveland Police
• Durham Constabulary
• Crown Prosecution Service
• National Probation Service
• Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation Company
• Youth Offending Teams from across both regions
• Victim Care and Advice Service
• Restorative Cleveland
• Restorative Hub [Durham]
‘What the outcomes of the panel are, and how they are shared with the police and public’
In reviewing a case, the Panel will discuss and agree a categorisation against the options:
Score of 1: Consistent with Police policies and the CPS Code for Crown Prosecutors.
Score of 2: Appropriate, but with observations.
Score of 3: Inappropriate and inconsistent with policy.
Score of 4: Panel fails to reach a conclusion. More information is required. In these instances the case is discussed and scored again at the following panel when more information has been provided
When feedback is identified, the panel member for that agency will be responsible for bringing this to the attention of the relevant personnel within their own organisation. Feedback can be written or verbal depending on the circumstances and whatever is appropriate for that particular case.
If the panel identifies an action or decision taken in a case that they consider to be so poor that an individual’s actions may constitute an act of misconduct, then the Panel Chairperson will discuss with the representative of the relevant agency and refer the case to the relevant agencies’ Professional Standards department for consideration as to further action if necessary.
Scrutiny panel findings will be recorded in writing and shared with all panel members and Heads of Crime for Cleveland and Durham. Head of Crime will identify operational implications and feedback through appropriate internal mechanisms reporting (by exception) to the Police and Crime Commissioners where appropriate.
Following the Panel meeting a report for publication to internal and external stakeholders will be provided by the minute taker and approved by the Chairperson. Results will be published on the PCC/PCVC website.