FOI Request
Please could I request under the Freedom of Information Act all forms of qualitative and quantitative research you have undertaken (surveys, focus groups, depth interviews) that have focused on public or victim perceptions of policing generally or your force specifically, covering 2019 and 2020 calendar years.
OPCC Response
The following consultations were conducted during 2019 and 2020:
Rural Crime Survey – 28th April to 21st June 2021
The focus of the survey was on better understanding community safety concerns in rural areas and also any additional issues being experienced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Consultation on BAME victim support provision – July and August 2020
Two consultations were undertaken to feed into the specification development of the joint OPCC and Local Authority support service for victims of Honour Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriage (FM) and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). One was aimed at BAME community members and one was aimed at practitioners who support the BAME community.
Safer Streets – October 2020
As part of the Safer Streets project to deliver crime prevention mechanisms in three of Cleveland’s neighbourhoods (Newport, South Bank and Burn Valley), the local community were consulted to understand their feelings around community safety, fear of crime and appropriate crime prevention processes. Consultations were conducted within the community and online.
Serious Violence consultation – January and February 2019
The OPCC developed a consultation for young people about perceptions of violence, whether or not it is getting worse, their experiences of people they know carrying weapons. The consultation was conducted with young people through local Youth Offending Services and youth groups.
Community Safety Roadshows – Summer 2019
During the summer period the OPCC attended a number of community events to provide community members with free crime prevention products together with advice and information on activity undertaken by the OPCC and support services available for victims. At some of these events consultation was undertaken with members of the public – this took place at Hartlepool Riverside Festival, Festival of Thrift and Middlesbrough Pop Up Pride.
The roadshow consultations focused on:
• Experiences of reporting crime
• Views on the levels of violent crime in the local area and police response
• Suggestions for areas of police performance that should be subject to OPCC scrutiny
• Knowledge of police complaints system
Victim focus groups – January and March 2019
Between January and March 2019 the OPCC undertook a consultation exercise with victims of crime. The exercise was part of a piece of work to redesign the Victim Satisfaction Survey to ensure that questions are framed around the areas of service that matter to victims, and that the feedback collated from the survey is meaningful in terms of improving service delivery. Those victims who were supported by the PCC commissioned Victim Care and Advice Service (VCAS) were also asked about their experiences of victim support offered through VCAS. This is to shape the future commissioning for victim support services as the current contract expires in 2020.
Hate crime focus group in conjunction with the HALO Project – May 2019
As part the OPCC’s work with the Cleveland Strategic Hate Crime and Incidents Group, a focus group was established with BAME, Refugee and Migrant communities about their experiences of hate crime, police response to reports, barriers to reporting and what could be done to help victims report crime.