FOI Request:
Can you please provide me with the following information:
How many active employees working within the Cleveland Police and Crime Commission department including the PCC have spent and unspent convictions (due to the nature of your work, spent convictions are a reasonable request)
Can you provide information on what those convictions entail, I do not require any names relating to the convictions, just the charges and convictions.
OPCC Response:
Should the OPCC hold any criminal offence data relating to employees of the OPCC or the PCC, this information is exempt from disclosure under Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act. There is no requirement for the OPCC to confirm nor deny whether any information is held.
Criminal offence data has separate safeguards under the UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the disclosure of this data contravenes principle A of these Regulations.
For your information – all employees of the OPCC are subject to at least non-police personnel vetting (NPPV), which they must successfully pass before taking up employment. This vetting is completed by Cleveland Police, who will hold all records relating to OPCC staff.