Lisa Oldroyd has been formally confirmed as Acting Chief Executive for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.

Her appointment was confirmed unanimously by members of the Police and Crime Panel on Thursday 3 June 2021.
Mrs Oldroyd will serve in the role for at least six months until a full review of the role can take place and a permanent Chief Executive can be recruited.
She told the panel that accountability, ownership and partnership working would be key as she takes on the top role.
Mrs Oldroyd said: “I’m grateful to the Panel for considering my suitability for the role, which I take on with a full understanding of the responsibility it carries.
“My focus is to deliver the core statutory responsibilities of the PCC role, monitor ongoing work by the OPCC in scrutinising Cleveland Police, supporting victims, reducing offending and listening to our communities.”
PCC Steve Turner said: “I am pleased to be working with Mrs Oldroyd, who brings with her a wealth of relevant experience.
“One of my first objectives in the role of PCC was to appoint a full-time Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.
“While this is an interim appointment, her presence provides stability and ensures there is a full-time member of staff guiding the work of the OPCC on a daily basis.”
Her appointment followed the departure of former Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer Simon Dennis, who now works for the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire.
Prior to Mr Turner’s election, Mrs Oldroyd fulfilled the role of Acting Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland for eight months.
She has over 19 years of experience working in crime and community safety settings.
Mrs Oldroyd has worked for the OPCC since 2017, first as as Commissioner’s Officer for Crime, Offending and Justice, before taking on the role of Assistant Chief Executive in June last year.