CLEVELAND Police is “unrecognisable” from the force, which it was two years ago.
That’s according to Cleveland Police’s Chief Constable Mark Webster in an interview with Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner.
Mr Webster admits that he found a force that was “wounded” when he came to work here in April 2022.
However, he recognised that Cleveland Police had “some good people.” They needed to be engaged and given a voice in order for Cleveland to progress.
Under his leadership, Cleveland Police has been taken out of special measures. It now has strong leadership, some of the best detection rates for certain crimes in the country and timely rates for answering 999 calls.
In the interview, now available in the Coffee with the Commissioner podcast, Mr Webster chats to the PCC about his priorities for the next 12-18 months.
They include taking a more preventative, problem-solving approach to some of policing’s more difficult challenges – like violent crime – which do not have a simple solution.
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