Youth intervention work part-funded by the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner is to continue where possible over the second lockdown.
The Hartlepool Targeted Youth Outreach service received £37,000 from the OPCC for 2020/21.
The money supports a range of early intervention, diversionary and positive activities centred on assertive street based youth work engaging with young people who are involved in or at risk of becoming involved in antisocial behaviour.
Intelligence led, the service delivers short term interventions in antisocial behaviour hotspots identified by partnership information and analysis reviewed at multi agency meetings.
Since April, the service has supported 497 young people across Hartlepool.
Neighbourhood Outreach Team Co-Ordinator Sue Rowley said: “Lockdown has impacted on how we work, as the range of activities for young people has been reduced. We have adapted and can still engage with young people and guide them towards youth centres that are open and activity sessions that we are still able to run.
“Our team have conversations with young people on a range of issues including knife crime, drugs and alcohol, and we help ensure young people are safe and get home safely, though we will challenge antisocial behaviour.”
A series of engagements are being planned in which the Team will encourage young people to discuss lockdown and produce a major piece of creative artwork based on these reflections and their goals and needs for the future.
Other youth intervention work funded by the OPCC across the force area that continued over the recent half term and Halloween period has had to close during lockdown however it is hoped it can resume in December.
This includes Middlesbrough FC’s Kicks programme which received £24,000 from the OPCC to help fund mixed, girls only and disability football sessions in various locations identified as in need of activities for young people.
Open to all and run by qualified coaches, the sessions are due to begin re-opening as soon as lockdown ends and will take place on evenings across the force area including at Middlesbrough’s Acklam Green, Newport Settlement and Southlands Centre and at the Herlingshaw Centre, Eston and Loftus Cricket Club.