Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner has announced his first series of monthly surgeries at venues throughout Cleveland
The surgeries are a chance for residents, business owners and community groups to speak to Steve in confidence about issues, which concern them.
Steve will be taking questions on crime, policing, community safety, anti-social behaviour and victims’ services in the Cleveland Police force area.
Initially, surgeries will take place at the following:
- Thornaby on Wednesday 9 March;
- Loftus on Thursday 7 April;
- Middlesbrough on Wednesday 11 May;
- Stockton on Tuesday 12 July;
- Middlesbrough on Wednesday 14 September;
- Billingham on Friday 18 November;
- Middlesbrough on Wednesday 14 December.
Steve said: “Surgeries are a great way for me to engage directly with the community.

“I want to know what concerns the people of Cleveland and how they think we can make it a safer place to live, work and visit.
“I am touring community venues for my surgeries because I want to know about the grass roots’ issues, which concern the public in Cleveland.
“It’s only by getting to know the issues on the ground really well that I can target resources effectively, steer policing in the right strategic direction and hold Cleveland Police to account for delivering the services, which the public demand.”
He is currently looking for community venues to host surgeries in June, August and October
All surgery appointments must be booked in advance.
To book a place, go to PCC Surgeries – Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner or call 01642 301861