Date of Meeting: 9 July 2024
Decision of PCC: Assured
In receiving information on the Strategic Policing Requirement, the PCC was looking to:
- Hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of functions associated with the SPR;
- Seek assurance that the Force has an effective and proportionate response to each of the national threats; and
- Formulate the Police and Crime Plan and the Annual Report and pay due regard to the SPR threat types in both documents..
What is the Force’s assessment of its ability and preparedness to fulfil the requirements of the SPR?
The response should include details of the following:
- The process to assess, plan, prepare and respond each threat type;
- The governance and reporting mechanisms to ensure the Force is fulfilling its responsibilities for tackling the seven threats; and
- The threat types that have been identified as the most significant risks locally and the response required to fully combat these risks.
Meeting Outcome:
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was assured by the evidence submitted by the Force.
Further Information:
A summary of the evidence considered at this meeting and the action agreed, to enable the PCC to maintain a “watching brief” on primary areas of focus, can be accessed below:
Scrutiny: Strategic policing requirement. 9 July 2024 (application, 154kB)