Decision of PCC: Assured
Meeting date: 15/01/2025 to 15/01/2025
Topic: Violence Against Women and Girls
Date of Meeting: 15 January 2025
Decision of PCC: Assured
The PCC was looking to:
- Monitor police performance around VAWG offences;
- Ensure the Force is responding to VAWG and making use of civil orders to protect vulnerable people; and
- Seek assurance that the Force is working proactively to raise the standard and consistency of response to VAWG.
- What steps have been taken by the Force to:
- strengthen multi-agency working to prevent VAWG and better protect women and girls;
- ensure VAWG offences are a priority;
- make sure policing has the right capacity and capability to meet demand;
- improve and standardise the approach to responding to VAWG offences;
- ensure there is scrutiny of cases where ‘no further action’ decisions are taken; and
- tackle, pursue and disrupt perpetrators
- How is the Force performing in respect of VAWG offences?
- How is the Force ensuring that victims can have the confidence to engage and report offences?
- What support would the Force like to see from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), which would assist in helping the Force with the relentless pursuit of adult perpetrators?
- Since the publication of the Angiolini Inquiry, what action has been undertaken by the Force to implement the proposed recommendations and how can the PCC be assured that the Force is doing all it can to prevent those entrusted with the power of constable from abusing that power?
Meeting Outcome:
The PCC was assured by the evidence submitted by the Force (with the caveat that he recognises current capacity and capability and that this meeting will act as a benchmark for future scrutiny of VAWG issues).
Further Information:
A summary of the evidence considered at this meeting and the actions agreed, to enable the PCC to maintain a “watching brief” on primary areas of focus, can be accessed below:
Scrutiny meeting – 15 January 2025 – on violence against women and girls (VAWG) (application, 149kB)