Steve Turner, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland, has launched a survey into the safety of women and girls across Cleveland.
The online survey looks at how our female residents feel in a range of situations including their neighbourhood, their own homes and town centres during the day and at night.
It will ask females if they have ever suffered sexual harassment, what makes them feel unsafe and what could be done to make them feel safer.
The lived experiences collected by the survey will inform a bid for Home Office cash from the £45m Safer Streets 3 programme.
The survey was launched at Arch North East, in Middlesbrough, today (Thursday 20 May 2021.)
The programme focuses on addressing concerns about violence against women and girls (VAWG) and putting measures in place to make them feel safe in public spaces.
Safer Streets 3 was launched by the Government in March in response to the death of Sarah Everard in London.
Steve Turner, PCC, said: “Violence against women and girls is sadly all too common in Cleveland.
“I am determined to support and expand on the ongoing work done by a number of organisations who operate here.
“A lot of violence against women takes place in more private spaces but often the fear and perception of street crime becomes the reality for members of vulnerable groups.
“I want our funding application to include the broadest possible level of response. With your support, we can make a difference.”
Nicky Harkin, Chief Executive Officer, of Arch North East, said: “I fully support this survey into the experiences of women and girls locally. Initiatives to make them feel safer are welcome
“Alongside street harassment, we know from our frontline work that the majority of abuse that takes place, happens in the home, so it’s vital that we listen to their needs and design responses that will work for them.”
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) survey was drafted in consultation with VAWG support agencies across Cleveland. The survey was launched today (20 May) and will run until 11 June.
Survey findings will be incorporated into the Safer Streets 3 bid, which has to be submitted by 18 June.
If successful, funding could be spent on a range of measures including better lighting and CCTV in areas where women feel most vulnerable.
Measures could also include educational products, Neighbourhood Watch schemes and work with businesses in the night time economy to ensure safe passage home.
The Government is expected to announce successful bids at the end of July.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. To take the survey, go to:

If you have been a victim of sexual violence, there are a number of services in Cleveland aimed at supporting you. These include:
- Teesside Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC.) Tel: 0303 0401099
Web: Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) for Teesside ( - Arch North East. Tel: 01642 822331. Web:
- My Sisters Place. Tel: 01642 241864. Web: My Sisters Place | Domestic Violence Service Middlesbrough
- Harbour. Tel: 03000 20 25 25 (24 hours.) Web: Home (
- Foundation. TEL: 0808 2000 247. Web: Foundation Services – Foundation (
- EVA Women’s Aid. Tel: 01642 490677. Web: Contact Us – EVA Women’s Aid (
- A Way Out. Tel: 01642 655071 Web: Home: Stockton-on-Tees Charity – A Way Out
If you have been a victim of crime, please contact Victim Care and Advice Service (VCAS) on: Tel: 0303 040 1099 or email [email protected]