The North East Retail Crime Partnership (NERCP) is a not for profit regional organisation that works with the retail community, police and crime prevention agencies to help tackle retail crime in the North East. NERCP is managed by registered charity Northumbria Coalition Against Crime.
£7,000 contribution from Cleveland OPCC will allow the continuation of NERCP services across Cleveland, delivering the following:
- NERCP Forums – a platform for police and retailers operating in Cleveland to problem solve at a strategic level to ensure retail crime is managed effectively and confidence is built and sustained from both.
- Information & Intelligence Sharing – identification and tracking of local, regional and national travelling offenders and trends, forewarning retailers and police of their activity, reducing crime and disorder
- Retail Crime Initiatives – the identification and delivery of intelligence led initiatives and campaigns aimed at raising the awareness of retailers, police and the general public e.g. Counterfeit money, purse dipping, seasonal campaigns.
- Support for the Cleveland Divert programme, creating a forum for dialogue between the OPCC and retailers to develop Divert services with shoplifting perpetrators
2021-00259281 – Funding for North East Retail Crime Partnership (application, 194kB)