The force’s digital storage requirement is growing at a rate of 50TB per annum.
This is largely as a result of Body worn Video, ANPR data and CCTV footage.
At the current rate, additional storage capacity will be required by the first quarter of 2016/17.
As the procurement process takes up to two months, there is a degree of urgency in providing a solution before agreement on a longer term strategy.
The longer term strategy will include:
- Procedures to minimise ongoing requirements for storage
- Solutions, such as cloud based options, which minimise the cost.
This forms part of the ongoing Capacity Management Plan. tt will be monitored by the ICT Teams. There will be reports at the monthly MPR meetings
This proposal is to buy c75TB of storage space to provide the necessary capacity while a longer term solution is developed. The proposal will deliver:
- Increased availability of storage for policing purposes and flexible storage policies tailored to specific systems.
- The introduction of new technologies such as solid-state disks (SSD’s) which will result in increased response times and improved Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) facilities as well as improving key applications restore times.
- An increase to the current capacity of Cleveland Police’s primary storage array, in addition to providing resilience for this additional capacity by expanding the organisations backup infrastructure, to match the increased capacity including:
- Additional disk shelves for the Compellent Storage Array.
- Additional Symantec MD5230 disk shelves for use with the media devices.
- A resilient and highly available solution for the increasing amount of data that Cleveland Police has to retain
The pre-tender estimate for hardware is £120k. Existing budgets will fund revenue costs.
Decision 14. Purchase of additional digital storage (application, 230kB)