Additional income over and above the amount factored into the original budget set by the PCC has been received.
As a result, the force has requested an increase to their budget of £33,330. It will be spent on:
- Communities against Drugs – £8,000. %his will be funded by money previously received from Hartlepool Borough Council
- Additional patrols to cover retail locations over the Festive period – £1,800. This will be funded by money previously received from Stockton Borough Council
- Vehicle Crime – £1,000. This will be used to tackle vehicle crime problems. A number of prevention, intelligence and enforcement tactics will be introduced with a clear focus on problem solving. This will be funded by income previously received from Stockton Borough Council
- Taxi Enforcement and Abnormal Loads. Overtime has been worked to deliver these services. This is recovered from local councils and haulage companies. £20k additional income has been received to cover the costs and the Force is requesting money to fund its costs.
- Retail Crime – £2,500. This has been provided by Threadneddle UK Property Trust c/o Workman LLP to provide additional Patrols to the Cleveland Retail Park to address anti social behaviour and offences at the site. There is the potential that the funding could increase to £10,000.
Decision 2 -2014. Additional Income and subsequent spending (application, 491kB)