A key priority in the 2021-24 Police and Crime Plan is ‘Tackling antisocial behaviour (ASB) head on.”
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has developed a dedicated one-off ASB fund.
The fund considers innovative applications that work towards reducing and diverting people away from ASB. It also encourages positive solutions to address and overcome the issues that communities face.
The PCC has made £50,000 available from the Police Property Act Fund to enable local charitable organisations to access a one-off grant that works towards one (or more) of the following objectives:
- Reducing ASB
- Diverting people away from ASB
- Encouraging positive solutions that overcome the issues that communities face as a result of ASB
- Building resilience in communities to respond to ASB
- Supporting early intervention approaches to ASB
Applicants were eligible to apply for a maximum of £5,000 per project to be delivered during the period April 2022 to September 2022.Seven charities applied and were awarded funding. They were the following:
- Boys Brigade – £1,000
- The Moses Project – £5,000
- The Wharton Trust – £5,000
- Community Ventures – £5,000
- The Corner House Youth Project in partnership with Barnardos, Cultivate Tees Valley and ‘Lads like Us – £4,839
- The Shack – £5,000
- The Message Trust – £5,000
A further three applications were received from orginisations, which did not fit the criteria for the Police Property Act Fund as they were not registered charities.
However, considering the quality of the applications, PCC agreed to support the projects through other funds – in this case the Community Safety Initiative Fund.
Projects supported by the CSIF included the following:
- Billingham Boxing Academy – £4,920
- Hartlepool Huskies – £5,000
- Hemlington Lynx – £5,00
Decision Record 007633: Decision on ASB grant funding for 2022 (application, 212kB)