Cleveland Police Authority bought the Niche Records Management System in 2003 via a re-seller on the Office of Government Commerce (OGC) Catalyst Framework.
During review and re-negotiation of the contract before the end of the original five-year term, the Force was advised that licences and maintenance could no longer be supplied through a re-seller via OGC and a contract must be established direct.
The contract has since been extended and the current contract expires on the 31st March 2019.
Decision 2018-1282069. Niche Records Management Contract (application, 236kB)
Although there are other Records Management Systems, Niche is integrated into the working practices of the force and the cost of change at this time in line with other force priorities would be significantly more costly. The Force has no intention to change one of their core systems. The Negotiated Procedure without a prior Publication of a Contract Notice (Direct Negotiation) was the chosen EU procedure for this procurement. This procedure allows public bodies to contract directly with a provider in exceptional circumstances without advertising the contract for expressions of interest.
Procedures available under Public Procurement Regulations for “technical or artistic reasons, or for reasons connected to the protection of exclusive rights whereby the contract may be awarded only to a particular economic operator”. Niche’s unique knowledge, expertise can be used as justification for contracting directly with them. T