Since 2014/15 the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has funded Barnardos to provide emotional and practical support.
Support has is given to anyone under 18 who has experienced sexual violence by providing support from an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA.)
In November 2015, this contribution increased due to the introduction of the Police Vulnerable, Exploited, Missed and Trafficked (VEMT) Team.
VEMT successfully highlighted more victims needing support, increasing the volume of referrals to the Barnardos service (decision ref 103-2015) which required an increase in capacity to ensure waiting lists were kept to a minimum.
Barnardo’s provide a victim focused ISVA Service that is distinct from the role of crisis worker and counsellor.
The ISVA works in partnership with a range of agencies in order to best support young victims of sexual abuse.
The Child/young persons’ ISVAs ensure a seamless client journey ensuring that all child victims and witnesses have their needs met. In turn, this assists with their healing and recovery.
Support is provided in relation to the Criminal Justice Process, from reporting a crime or whether deciding to report a crime and throughout the trial process, as necessary.
This decision record form is to approve the continuation of grant funding to Barnardo’s for a further 12 months (1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018). During this period the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and ISVA provision will be subject to a collaborative commissioning process with NHS England. The specialist provision for young people will be included as part of the tendering opportunity to ensure service sustainability and consistency across the Cleveland area. The new provision will be in place from 1 April 2018. Decision 2017-39915: Funding – Barnardos